Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lets Begin

Here are the first four paragraphs of the sermon.......


by J. R. Miller

It is a high honor for a woman to be chosen from among all womankind, to be the wife of a godly and true man. She is lifted up to be a crowned queen. Her husband's manly love laid at her feet, exalts her to the throne of his life. Great power is placed in her hands. Sacred destinies are reposed in her keeping. Will she wear her crown beneficently? Will she fill her realm with beauty and with blessing? Or will she fail in her holy trust? Only her married life can be the answer.

A woman may well pause before she gives her hand in marriage, and inquire whether he is worthy, to whom she is asked to surrender so much; whether he can bring true happiness to her life; whether he can meet the cravings of her nature for love and for companionship; whether he is worthy to be lifted to the highest place in her heart and honored as a husband should be honored. She must ask these questions for her own sake, else the dream may fade with the bridal wreath—and she may learn, when too late, that he for whom she has left all, and to whom she has given all—is not worthy of the sacred trust, and has no power to fill her life with happiness, to awaken her heart's chords, to touch her soul's depths.

But the question should be turned and asked from the other side. Can she be a true wife to him who asks for her hand? Is she worthy of the love that is laid at her feet? Can she be a blessing to the life of him who would lift her to the throne of his heart? Will he find in her all the beauty, all the tender loveliness, all the rich qualities of nature, all the deep sympathy and companionship, all the strengthful, uplifting love, all the sources of joy and help, which he seems now to see in her? Is there any possible future for him, which she could not share? Are there needs in his soul, or hungers, which she cannot answer? Are there chords in his life which her fingers cannot awaken?

Surely it is proper for her to question her own soul for him—while she bids him question his soul for her. A wife has a part in the song of wedded love—if it is to be a harmony. She holds in her hands on her wedding day—precious interests, sacred destinies, and holy responsibilities, which, if disclosed to her sight at once, might well appall the bravest heart. Her opportunity is one which the loftiest angel might covet. Not the happiness only of a manly life—but its whole future of character, of influence, of growth, rests with her.

Wow! This "high honor" of being a Christian wife requires surrender and sacrifice. Can you see where God has called you to this as well (married or single)? What impresses you about this section of the sermon?


Jacalyn said...

Well as a single I can say when I read this it SCARES me, I am never getting married! Just kidding!
As a single, my husband right now is Christ. When I read "...whether he can bring true happiness to her life; whether he can meet the cravings of her nature for love and for companionship; whether he is worthy to be lifted to the highest place in her heart and honored as a husband should be honored." I say YES HE IS ABLE! But do I treat Him as such? Christ can bring me TRUE happiness, and meet ALL my needs but I often do not life Him to the highest place which He deserves in my life and treat Him as He should be honored. Most often I turn to the world, believing the lies that it can bring me happiness and meet my needs.
“Is she worthy of the love that is laid at her feet?” I will never be worthy of His undeserved love. My hope is that as I continue to walk through this life, and my sin, that each day I might grow closer to putting Him above all else in my life.
Christ is worthy of my sacred trust, He has all power to fill me with happiness and is able more than anyone to touch my soul depths! Oh how lucky I am to be His Beloved!!!Thank you for the reminder!

Unknown said...

This scares me too! :) Wow, he makes it sound so serious. And I guess our calling is serious. I do think about being a blessing to Mike, having compassion, and some others that he listed but I don't always do them. A challenge for me right now while being pregnant is that I'm exhausted by the time Mike comes home (I'm exhausted by lunch time). So to be there for Mike in all the things he listed with a good attitude (while taking care of Nathan, fixing dinner, and house chores) is difficult for me. I anticipate what he is going to say on how we live this out. Again, this reminds me that we need Jesus. I cannot do this on my own.